Prior to enter CPSC350 Application of Databases I dabbled with some HTML and SQL. I knew the basics of creating a html page and how to manipulate data using SQl. Learning the basics of HTML and SQL definitely benefited me when I was first getting confortable creating a site using Flask. Although I did not understand how to write CSS, I do not believe it inhibited me from doing well in the course. To anyone planning on taking CSPC350 at UMW I would recommend looking into HTML and SQL prior to the beginning of the course. Make sure you know how to use insert, select, and joins statements in MySQL and Postgres.
As the semester comes to a end, I would like to say I really enjoyed CPSC350. Dr. Zacharski designed the course so that one could work through the material at their own pace, I found this to be extremely beneficial to learning the concepts. I believe that the structure of the course including the videos and the assingments greatly appealed to my learning style.