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I partnered up with Nate Nuval and Michael Prime to bring you Feed a Friend. The idea originating from the abundance or lack of mealswipes at the end of each semester. We wanted to offer a solution to the issue at hand. We wante to present students with the opportunity to help their fellow classmate in need.

Feed-a-Friend Team

On our site, we allowed for two different types of users, Givers and Receivers. Givers are students with an abundance of mealswipes while Receivers are students in need of mealswipes.

About Feed-A-Friend

How to use Feed-A-Friend: 1) Login

Login Page

Proceed as a Giver:

Giver Dashboard

2) Update availability upon login, if needed.

3) Respond to any pending requests via email.

Proceed as a Receiver:

Receiver Dashboard

2) Search for available mealswips by user or meal type.

3) Request desired meal time and user.

4) Contact user for location and confirmation.

Viewing or Updating Profile:

1)Click on the profile image to expand textbox

View Profile

2) Update the profile information by clicking edit profile.

3) Change all or some of the profile fields.

4) Click “Done Editing” to populate the new information.

Edit Profile

Current limitations: We only allow for UMW students to signup for Feed-a-Friend. Availability must be reset daily. Lack of a messaging system to communicate between a giver and receiver who “matched”. Users cannot change their profile images.

Future progress: Although it is unlikely that this project will be continued, we can only hope in the future the project would be expanded to allow for users from various schools to participate. Another possibility would be paring up with the schools to gain access to the mealswipe database allowing Feed-a-Friend to keep track of each givers remaining swipes. A necessary addition to the site would be to reset the availability of all givers on a daily basis, they would then be asked to update their availability the first time they login for the day. Lastly a messaging system must be added for users convienience, users should not have to exit the application to be able to communicate with other users.

See our progress on our GitHub page.

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Chelsea Irizarry



Chelsea Irizarry

A CPSC350 blog

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